3 Telltale Signs It’s Time to Renovate Your Basement

renovated basement

Every part of your home deserves love, even the rooms that you don’t have to keep clean for company. This includes your basement, which people normally convert into storage areas or laundry rooms. But some owners understand that the basement can be used for more than just storage or laundry, which may indicate that it’s time to renovate it. 

Barring budget and other limitations, there are plenty of reasons to renovate your basement. Here are just some reasons you should start considering:

3 Reasons to Renovate Your Basement

1. You Never Go Down to the Basement

Have you ever set foot in your basement before? Some owners haven’t dared to enter that room, even if it’s part of their house. Basements don’t exist just to be ignored. Aside from being a storage room or a place to keep the washing machines, you can use a little imagination to make your basement a little more inviting. 

Some people convert it into music rooms where they or their children can play without disturbing the neighbors. Others use it as an entertainment lounge to entertain guests. A basement is an extra room, so don’t waste it. Adding some lights, painting the walls, and polishing the floors can go a long way towards changing things up down below.

2. It’s Musky and Starting to Smell

The basement is located under the house, so there may be some ventilation issues. Wear and tear due to weather or time can also be a reason for these odors—most often described as “old and musky.” If you spend a lot of time here, it’s not healthy to keep it this way. 

The smell could also be an indication of wet or rotting wood, which might be a structural issue. When things aren’t structurally sound at the bottom, it will indeed affect the rest of the house. Have a professional assess your home before the renovation starts.

3. You Need More Room in the House

Why would you pay for an extra storage unit miles away from your home when you have a basement? While you can get creative with the basement, its primary function to begin with (or what most people use it for) is storage. There’s so much a basement can store for you, from old books to old clothes to emergency supplies. 

If you are planning to remodel it for storage, take note of the electrical systems around the room. Some people may overstuff their basement to the point that it becomes a fire hazard. If there are any exposed wires on the ceiling or walls, find a way to cover those up.


Basements don’t have to be dingy holes of your house that you dare not enter. With a little bit of creativity and organizing skills, you can turn your basement into a place that serves a purpose in your home. With the right foundations, a little bit of design, and the help of expert remodelers, you can bring your vision of a more comfortable home to fruition. 

If you’re looking for the right team for basement remodeling in Chicago, hire Green Construction Holmes Builders LLC, the go-to construction service for a healthier and safer home. We aim to help communities construct the home of their dreams or rebuild their rooms in a way that suits their lifestyle. Get a quote from us today!